by marilyn marti   Oct 11, 2003

Dad, can I ask you a question.
Would you have left too?
Mom did, ten years ago.
Was her love even true?

Did she love me.
Or was my love not enough?
Did she want me?
It made my life so rough.

Did she hesitate
as she walked out the door.
My mind became confused
and my heart was torn.

Did she have a reason?
Or was she just running away.
Without her, life wasn't fun.
I wish she would've stayed.

It's too late now
So what's she doin here.
Will she stop coming around.
Or will she bring out of me, more tears?

These pictures aren't my family.
Somehow they didn't stay.
Did we randomly die
or did we just go away.

Tell me dad,
cuz I really wanna know
anyway, im already mad
But we'll have to let it go.

*pleassseeeeee rate my poem-good/bad?*


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