Pretend it never happened

by tanya   Jun 17, 2005

Strain my eyes
tears i cant release
i need to cry
just stare at my feet
pretend it's all fine
and that i love life
i didn't cut
i haven't got a knife.
my parents didn't fight
i didn't break down
i'm not sinking
and i won't drown.
today was good
i didn't get bullied
i look forward to school
and i'm not worried.
lie to myself
that's all i can do
i don't want to die
i know that's true.
it's not like i will
my blood wont spill.
who am i kidding
i cant do this
is something i cant fix


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  • 18 years ago

    by Ashley Arnold

    Omg that is so good. i no what you mean too when you say you have to lie to your self i do it every day just to keep alive. good poem. hey if you ever need to talk email me ok or