Art of Poetry

by Jacklyn   Jun 19, 2005

The art of poetry,
Is such a wonderful thing,
To take something and write,
Shows the beauty of life.

For example, a blank sheet of paper,
With blank lines all across,
Give it to a poet,
And they'll begin thier work of art,

Some done in ink or lead,
Or maybe something else,
No matter which color,
The paper is so beautiful.

You stare down to see black and white,
Or blue, purple, green or red,
But if you read the words they wrote,
A picture floods your mind of beautiful art.

Even if the picture is sad
Or even could be mad,
The emotions that they show through,
So easily this art is pictured,

How do we do it? I don't know,
To me i just let the words flow,
I let my hand go free,
And This art takes place.

To many this is an unsolved mystery,
Of how words can paint the world,
Of these emotions that they reach,
Makes the reader feel on what they read,
This unsolved Mystery, this art of poetry.

~writen at writing camp, just thinking about mystery made me kind of think about this in a way. please vote and comment~


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  • 18 years ago

    by Heather M Craig

    Hey doll,
    Not your best, but it's a cute idea...can't wait to read more!

  • 18 years ago

    by katie!

    Brilliant poem once again from you, you never cease to amaze me as you write fantastic poems, well done

    take care


  • 18 years ago

    by †JustAri†

    Just checked my poems...thanx for the comment on "The Devil Calls" lol. Peace! //ari\\

  • 18 years ago

    by †JustAri†

    Very good! Really explains how poetry is formed by the poet and how it paints a picture with only words, as you described. Brilliant! 5/5 Peace, All My Luv, and Happiness, //ari\\