My one and only Daddy

by lisa marie   Oct 25, 2003

-Its long but please read really did happen. its about my dad and how he kille dhimself..its rilly hard to show exactly how i feel..this is no where near how har dit was.Just a little slice.

Monday Night

Mom and dad got in a fight
On that dark monday ngiht
It was nothing new to me
Ive seen it all before

They had been fighting the day before too
My one and only daddy was filled with so much hate
My mother came home that night a little late
Its been months since tehy said i love you

They screamed infront of us
Their beloved 5 kids
Me being in the middle
They've always told us not to cuss

They wanted to get divoreced
Which brought tears to our eyes
Looking back on all the lies
Made me so angry with them

Instead of the fight ending: we only started to cry
It only got worse
I heard my mother curse
As my daddy said he wnated to die

I decided that its only repeating from weeks before
I didnt knbow what i was in for
I went to sleep for i had school the next day
It will be The second day of school, the first was today

As i slept i dremt of mommy and daddy holding eachother
I saw them, I saw them happy together
Which only made me smile
Then after a long while

I woke up to screaming, and a foul smell
It was hot and smokey, i stood in the halllway
The fire reminded me of hell
I didnt know what to do or say

As my one and only daddy
Ran by in flames
The smoke was so thick and black
my daddy was screaming as the flames got bigger

Then my brother came runnning in "call 911"
I Then started to run
As i searched for the phone
I couldnt find it, i was all a lone

my brother ran and grabbed the hose
My daddy finally ran outside
With My brother by his side
He rinsed him off with water

and ran inside for the fire
He told us to leave the house
as i searched for my mommy
Then i memberd She was gone
With my older sister

My daddy didnt look to bad at first
They took him in a helicopter all the way to lincoln
That night i got informed it was a lot worse
His whole body in 3rd degree burns

I was only 12
I cant live without my one and only daddy
He was the world to me
As my eyes filled with tears

I went to the hospitol didnt say a word
I got in teh room he didnt look the same
I looked outside n watched A flying bird
It made mne wonder who was to blame

Who made him decide
My one and only daddy by my side
Whyd he comitt suicide
Whyd he do it, my head filled w/ questions
With no ansrews, that i'll never know

Two days passed by, we knew he wouldnt make it
But we stayed there anyway
Just in case a miricle happened
To me it seemed like forever in a day

Then a week passed by
He was close to death
I didnt want my daddy to die
My whole family standing there filled with tears
Remembering the past few years

We stood infront of the window
That lead to his room
We all thought he'd die
BUt he managed to stay in there

I went to bed that night
with thoughts rushing through my head
What will life be like with my daddy dead
I wish my mom and daddy woulda never had a fight

The next morning i was torn a part
My eyes willed with tears; my broken little heart
Your father passed away
I will never forget that day

The words that were said
The ride all the way home
The song on the radio
The only thing i could do was cry
I just watched my daddy die

The next day at school i didnt talk to anyone
Teachers gave me homework that had to get done
No one asked if i was okay but my besestt friend
That bestest friend that soon left me behind

7th grade went on
Time passed by
My daddys still gone
I didnt even say goodbye

i guess hes not the blame, he was a troubled little kid
I thought he got help, i rilly thought he did
To this day forward, Forveer form now
I'll never forget the last time
he said, " I love you"

He will always be with me
For this i know is true
I'll always remember
My one and only Daddy


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  • 6 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    I know this is an old poem, but the raw emotion still rings true.
    I'm sorry.

  • 19 years ago

    by David Lewis

    This is a good poem it remineds me of when i lost my grandfather it passed away 10 mins after i left for school and he was my only daddy

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