Dear Shane, Part I

by Jesslyn   Jul 14, 2005

Dear Shane,

While I was trying to save you,
You were trying to save me.
I was trying to help you through,
You were trying to make me see.

I was trying to erase your pain.
You'd tell me about it all.
I'd tell you life's insane.
You told me you'd catch me if I were to fall.

I knew you screwed up in the past.
I knew you could change what was to come.
I didn't know how long your promises would last.
But then your emotions were undone.

You told me I lived in a fantasy world.
You said you loved me with all your heart.
I answered back,"Love is nothing but a word."
I wasn't about to fall apart.

Then somehow things got weird.
Torn at the seams,
Everything I feared,
Escaped from my dreams.

You had to lie,
You proved my fears.
At that moment I felt my heart die.
Soon after came the tears.

I thought I would protect you from the bad,
You said you were willing to let me in.
What's really sad,
I couldn't see what you meant then.

You said you were my replacement brother,
Because I couldn't save him.
I screamed that I wouldn't lose another.
I won't watch you be like them.

I can't help that I want to fix you,
I want to save the good part.
I'll do it too,
Until I fall apart.

I'll give everything to show you life's power,
So you're not like him.
Please, look at the flower...
Don't settle for the stem.

One less lost soul,
It's a better place.
A piece of me is whole
Because you're not the lost face.

I'll protect you from harm in every way.
For both of our sake.
Now I understand what you were trying to say.
You were trying to protect me from heartbreak.

I wish I would've told you before.
I was trying to save you from misery.
But I can't keep it from you anymore.
I was trying to save you from me.

So please let go...
I can't save you from hurt.
I wanted you to know
Before they put me in the dirt.

*Dear Shane Part II is coming soon!

PLEASE vote and comment i would love to hear your thoughts on this poem! it's inspired by real life and its a big part of me so please tell me what you think and vote! thanks!


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