How Do You Make a Great Poem, Poet???

by Robert Gardiner   Jul 15, 2005

How do you make a Poet???
Just what does it take?
When a poem is great, you know it,
but a 'great poem' how do you make!!!
Is it in the emotion, with which it is written,
or should you prize rhythm, rhyme, and flow?
Should you take care, with each verse, line that is written,
or just simply, let yourself go,
and bring what's inside out.
Is a great poem nurtured or does it just sprout?

How do you make great poetry?
Won't somebody tell me!
Is it all about symmetry,
or feelings held, so deeply,
that harbor, in every word?
Is it born of the mind, or is it the heart's work?
What is the secret?
I ever seek it,
And I bet, you seek, as well.
What's the best way to write great poetry, what does a great poem entail?
What gives a great poem, such magic?
What's the difference between a poem that does and doesn't have it?
Such conundrums confound many, to this day.
How do you write great poetry, great poetry, how do you make?
To be great, I think, we all are motivated,
So I ask, once again, how do you make a great poet!!!

~~ A delve into the debate, as to, what makes great poetry. Some prize true emotion, a genuine expression of ones feelings, ones own truth, while others prize artful craftsmanship, the congruence, in and of a poem's rhythm, rhyme, and flow. Which method makes for better poetry, I don't know. The debate rages on, and the question still lingers. How do you make great poetry, how do you make a great poet??? ~~

Robert Gardiner

As always, your comments and votes much appreciated, thank you!!!


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  • 18 years ago

    by Tiffani

    Loved it... 5/5. i guess it all depends on the person reading the poem, there is no such thing as a ''bad'' poem, but some are better than others. well good write, take care, much love Tiffani

  • 18 years ago

    by sheri

    great job i love it!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by Steven Beesley


    This is a unique piece and many aspiring poets would do well to read it. You have said it so perfectly, good writing and good poems are indeed a delicate balance of talent, emotions, craftsmenship and style. Lovely piece.
    A synergy of all the things you wrote.

