It's a game

by kathy   Aug 28, 2005

It's like a f u c k i n g game to you..
"lets see how badly i can use her words && feelings to hurt her"
you have no idea how well you're doing...
i want to express my feelings...
but i can't anymore
because you use them to hurt me
to tear me apart
i don't want to talk anymore
I'm afraid something may slip out
something you don't want to hear
something you'll use to hurt me
yeah, i know i hurt you
so i guess you hurting me is only fair
but stop using my words
stop making everything into a federal case
i love you okay?
i love you so d a m n much
you are everything to me
&& sure I'd love to go out with him
but if i really really wanted to
i would
I'd break your heart into pieces
just to make me happy
because in the end yourself is the only person that matters
but i haven't done that yet have i?
i know how to get what i want
&& what i want it you
can't you understand that?
these poems
they're just what I'm feeling at the time
but now I'll be sure to analyze them
to make sure
they're only feelings you wouldn't mind
i know how to get what i want
understand that okay?
&& what i want is you
not him...


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  • 18 years ago

    by Pilar

    I liked it very much but i got a little confused in between. keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    bye, take care

    p i l i

  • 18 years ago

    by ashleigh

    This poem was actually pretty good, but i realized what u were sayin at the end not in the middle or anything
    but keep up the good work it was great