
by JL   Sep 22, 2005

Hush pretty baby don't say a word
look outside at the lovely bird

and if you cry your eyes will sting;
there will never be a promise ring

in one moment the pain will pass
pray for forgiveness at next mass

never again will you drink a coke
or go to a party full of smoke

look into the eyes of a man so cruel
how could you be such a f-king fool?

cringing as you get flipped over
face first on a green field of clover

try to block out the sick remarks
sometime soon it won't be dark

all alone on the edge of town
princess with a broken crown

*in case you didn't catch on its to the tune of hush little baby*
**this is not true for me but it happened to my friend(some parts are her thoughts)


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by JL

    Thank you. she is getting better and therapy seems to be working. :)

  • 18 years ago

    by Nicole Maree

    Aww that was beautiful. I hope your friend is alright and thanks for the comment on my poem. Keep up the great work. Luv Nicole =)

  • 18 years ago

    by JL

    She gettin a lil better. shes gettin therapy but its difficult. thank you.
    take care XXXXX

  • 18 years ago

    by Pilar

    I hope u're friend is alright :)
    i loved this sentence:
    "princess with a broken crown"
    it's so creative and meaningfull
    i liked this poem, 5/5 for sure.
    keep on writing cuz u're an amazing writer.
    take care.

