Lucky Is Her Name

by Christina Catastophe   Nov 22, 2005

Lucky is her name
She has the perfect life
She has overcome death
And threw away that knife

Lucky is her name
She has that perfect smile
She'd do anything for her friends
Even if they were separated by a thousand miles

Lucky is her name
She has the perfect friends
Tells them absolutely everything
They always make amends

Lucky is her name
She's going places in her life
Standing tall with good grades
She knows nothing of strife

Lucky is her name
She's never seen or heard
She's always in the backround
She never utters a word

Lucky is her name
She has the perfect style
Favorite color is blue
She's worn it for a while

Lucky is her name
She's no longer here on Earth
She has those lovely angel wings
She overcame that curse

Lucky is her name
She was so victorious in her death
Even had a smile on her face
When she took her last breath

Lucky is her name
She has no use to cry
She won her battle fought within
Her only wish was just to die

Lucky is her name
She's no longer in any pain
When the doctors said she was gone
She was no longer going to be awake again

Lucky is her name
Her true name is unrevealed
It's locked up tight with sweet memories
In the back of minds that are tightly sealed

Lucky was her name
She survived through it all
No one could save her through
When she took that final fall

The reason they call her lucky
Is cause she got to leave this place
This place called Earth but also Hell
It's too much for us to face

I often want to be like Lucky
For me, she's saving a place in Heaven
I just want to be dead and gone like her
Cause I know my sins will be forgiven


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Lost Soul 691

    The repetition cinched the poem for me, although the last stanza didn't flow as smooth as the others. Overall, still a good write. Cheers.

  • 18 years ago

    by lost_laureate

    This was fantastic, it flowed from stanza to stanza effortlessly. The repetition of the name Lucky really beat out a pace for the poem. Very orginal and ajoy to read. Fantastic writing...I'm off to read some more...

    [lostlaureate - come find me]

  • 18 years ago

    by Live, Laugh, Love

    Wow hun that poem is really deep and full of emotion.. Great job 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Katlynn

    This is really good. I really enjoyed reading this. Lucky was a name is a figure of speech i'm thinking. If you think about it everyone is lucky in there own world but everyone wants to commit suicide or die sooner or later. Even though if you have millions of friends and always smiling doesn't mean your depressed inside. I do really like this one. amazing job. keep it up. keep on writing. i hope i made sence out of all that lol. love always and forever.

  • 18 years ago

    by Heart Broken Angel

    WOW .. very very good I love it .. Full of true outstanding emotions ! I hope to read more of ure poetry it rocks keep up the writing !!
    xxXxx Luv ya xxXxx

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