Christina Catastophe

About Christina Catastophe

Name: Christina
Age: 19
Status: Taken
- My birthday is on October 28th
- I'm a college student.
- I have a life coach.
- I take almost all my own photos.
- I work at a family owned wig shop business & work with cancer patients not to mention many other different people.
- My name is "Christina Catastrophe" because every time
something good happens to me any misfortune, mishap, or
failure that CAN/WILL happen to me, will.
- My life is like a book.


My Phobias:
- Agraphobia- Fear of sexual abuse.
- Aichmophobia- Fear of needles or pointed objects.
- Astrapophobia- Fear of thunder and lightning.
- Atelophobia- Fear of imperfection.
- Autophobia- Fear of being alone or of oneself.
- Catagelophobia- Fear of being ridiculed.
- Coulrophobia- Fear of clowns.
- Enissophobia- Fear of criticism.
- Entomophobia- Fear of insects.
- Equinophobia- Fear of horses.
- Gerascophobia- Fear of growing old.
- Kakorrhaphiophobia- Fear of failure or defeat.
- Necrophobia- Fear of death.
- Obesophobia- Fear of gaining weight.
- Ophthalmophobia- Fear of being stared at.

About Me
Two or three years ago, I was a shy girl that had countless insecurities. I was un-sure of who I was and who I wanted to become. I slowly started to break out of that shell and actually encounter with people who have brought out the real me. In the past I thought people would like me more if I just followed the crowd and did everything everybody else was doing, but that didn't cut it for me. I was fake and not many people enjoyed my company. I isolated myself from everybody because I was afraid they wouldn't like me. They were all beautiful people [or so I thought] and I felt that I wasn't good enough. Lately, I've been evolving into a better person both physically and personally. To me, this decsion of changing my lifestyle is for the better. I know who I am now, and I'm not changing for anybody. The friends I have right now are beyond what I could've asked for. They're there for me whenever I need them, and I love them. Without them I wouldn't be who I am today and I wouldn't have the confidence I have today. Recently, I've found that things don't last forever and that friends do unfortunately come and go The people that mean the most to me I can count on the tips of my fingers, everyone else has found someway to double cross me and stab me in the back.

I love to take pictures and for pictures to be taken.
Pictures are a work of art and each one tells its own special story just like poetry.
I find comfort in things of abstract and unrealism, an escape from reality seems to be the only thing that keeps me going.
I am misunderstood most of the time and I don't really smile that much or as much as I should.
I'm not as enthused about things the way I was before and I've grown out of all my childish habits.
I'm so very impressionable, teach me something and I'll take it to my grave.
My wisdom far surpasses my age, making me more uderstanding than most teenagers.
I won't leave my house without my makeup on.
I am an eyeliner fanatic.
It doesn't matter what you think about my looks.
You will not ever catch me wearing yellow.
None of my clothes that I own did I buy with holes in them, I wore them out to look like that.

Yes, I'm That Girl

You will remember me because I am different, because you notice me more then anyone else.
I will make sure you remember me.
There's more to me then words and phrases.
This is just the outer coating but it is not so sweet at times.
You won't find someone else that is quite like me.
If you want to ruin your chance at having me as a friend then that is your choice.
You will regret it.
You will be wishing you never had overlooked me.
I will be your constant reminder that you can still love, that you can still see the light of day.
I hate it when people are sad so I try my best to make them happy.
Sadness is such a terrible emotive.
It will wreck you silently and without warning.
Yes, I am "that girl from MySpace" but if you see me walking around, dont tell me who you are and expect me to know, but feel free to strike up a conversation with me, unless its about MySpace, I do have other intrests you know!

Beliefs + Future
I do my best to live life in the moment, I don't think of the future [unless its about me and my boyfriend] or dwell on the past.
I want to grow up to become a physical therapist and help people who need it. Also, on the side, I'd love to be a fashion designer and have my own successful line of clothing out on the market.
I LOVE art and poetry.
It makes me feel so alive and it plays a big role in my life.
I want to stand out from the crowd and start my own trend.
I've been told alot of things but I hardly ever believe them.
People lie way too much and I can't stand it.
I love flowers and one day I want to have a garden of my own.
My parents shelter me from the world too much, thinking that they can keep me a secret.
One day, I will bust free from this bind and show the world who I am and what I am capable of.
I will not rest until I have fulfilled all of my goals in life and feel that I have made a difference in the world. I know that my parents are only doing it now cause they care about my well-being, but as everyone knows, people don't like to be kept a secret at all. I WILL show the world my colors. If you think I'm beautiful, let me know but it doesn't really matter what you think of my looks.
If you really want to get far in this world, you have to believe in yourself. There are these little anorexic girls running around pinching theirselves saying, "Oh I'm so fat!" when all they are composed of is skin and bones. You are beautiful the way you are. You are made the way you are for a reason. You don't have to act like someone else or look like someone else to fit in or be cool. Being yourself should be good enough for anyone. I know it is for me. So, if you are a fake or you just don't have any creativity to be yourself, you can just not even bother trying to talk to me. I'm not here to listen to little wuss ass anorexic girls [I have NOTHING against anyone who's anorexic because alot of my friends are. I really wish they'd stop though cause its killing them from the inside out!] or the unoriginal boys complain that I don't look like them or I don't do what they do. So, make sure you remember this about me: I'm not here to impress you with my looks or anything else I have. I'm just me and I'm going to stay that way.
End of story.

Profile of Christina Catastophe

  • Age : 19
  • Gender : Female
  • Country : USA, Pennsylvania
  • Joined : Nov 15, 2005
  • Last Visit : 18 years ago
  • Poems : 5
  • Comments : 2
  • Quotes : 0
  • Posts : 9
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By Christina Catastophe

  • Life (1)

    There is no happy medium between birth and death,
    You're either breathing your taking your last...

  • Raindrops echo darkly
    In the far distance...

  • Lucky is her name
    She has the perfect life...

  • As I sit on my bed
    Thinking over memories going through my head...

  • I am unique and outcasted
    I wonder if people like me to be different...

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