Losing Grip

by Tricksy   Jan 29, 2006

I'm losing grip
Of all that is real
I've gotten to the point
Where all that I feel
Is pain
I forget that I'm human
And that everyone falls
So I slit my wrists
And bleed my own blood
And leave my mortal body to die
And slowly
I watch my friends as they cry
They cry away the memories
They cry away the pain
They turn away from my mangled body
And they'll never see me again
Because I lost myself
In a world of hate and lie
And I wouldn't let anyone through
I wouldn't take of my mask
I was to afraid to show you
Who I really was
For fear that you would see my face
And turn away in disgust
Repulsed by what you see
My scars and my weaknesses
That I couldn't let be free
But in truth
We're all afraid
We're all lost in this world
We've all lost grip
On this lie we call life
And we're all to weak
To win the pointless fight
But we smile our plastic smiles
And we love our fake love
We try and try
To keep ourselves hanging on
But we've lost grip
And we're falling fast
And we hold so close
To false memories of the past.
When we're born
We all start to die, slowly
All we have to do is wait
For death to seal our pre-written fate
To steal away our unending soul
When we were young
Our elders thought we were so helpless
And carefree
But it is the young
Who truly see
That we've lost grip
Afraid to show
Where we were last
Afraid to know
That this isn't how it's supposed to go
We're supposed to be free
And I'm supposed to be me
We're supposed to know
That things don't go our way
But we take what we get
And love it anyway
Instead of waiting around
For another day
Wishing it might be better
Or wishing it all would end
Wishing and hoping
That god would send us a friend
Who truly understands us
Who isn't blind to our true faces
But you know the truth
God did send us such friends
He sent us ourselves
We just lost grip.

*WIP (Work In Progress) comments appreciated*


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