Failing Freedom

by The Wingless   Feb 2, 2006

I'll try to take back my chances,
I'll re-write my book of rules,
On my own, I can follow the clock,
To fix the time, to heal the pain.

In the night,
A candle is the only sun,
To light the way,
Back to where I belong,
It's only a wish,
It's only a dream,
That one day I will be free,
Please give me the strength,
To pass the finish line.

Only those other ones,
The strong ones,
Can pass the test,
Tested by time,
Tested by change,
Caught between the two,
I failed horribly,
I silently cried inside,
I wasn't good enough to see,
What really was the truth.

The journey back home,
I gave it up,
I dropped the candle,
I dropped the sun,
I said I would fight,
Fight for freedom,
But I didn't live up to the words.

Humiliated, I shrink away,
I know longer exist,
Shh, I am not here,
I don't know who you are,
And you don't know me,
I locked the door to freedom.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Jaime

    There are so many great things that could be said about this poem, that I'm not even sure where to start.

    "Tested by time,
    Tested by change,
    Caught between the two,
    I failed horribly"

    ^That would be my favourite part, probably because you described that feeling with words that most people would never think of (the caught between the time and change part).

    For no particular reason, I usually prefer poems that rhyme. However, I don't think this poem would have been so good if it had rhymed. Great write.