A hidden love

by Rayne   Feb 23, 2006

A hidden love I keep inside
In no one I can confide
For my love is there
and It Is true
But my feelings
I keep from you
And the rest of the world
must not know
So I hide my love
wont let it show
For I love a man
that is not you
but is it possible
to love you too?
And knowing what's
Inside is real
Scares me so bad
It hurts to feel
So push you away
to keep you close
keep my feelings inside
Which I hate most
Stay with him
Pretend not to care
When in reality
Those feelings are there
But through all the push & shove
You'll always be my hidden love


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  • 18 years ago

    by holly

    Well done, i like this espically the ending. xxALLYxx

    Stay with him
    Pretend not to care
    When in reality
    Those feelings are there
    But through all the push & shove
    You'll always be my hidden love