Should I..??

by Raquel   Feb 28, 2006

This all started when i was 13 and my man was 18.
nows he 20 and now im 15..
soo heres my poem and please tell me wat u think..

i onced loved a man,
he ment the world to me
i gave him my heart
and all he did was break it apart
i left my family, i left my life
so i can live with the man i love
just to be right by his side.
i gave him all i couldve given him
all the love and attention
i couldnt really buy him anything
i wasnt old enough to work
i was only 13, so i was always broke
i tryed my best to make him happy
but nothing really worked
i used to cook for him,clean for him
even do his laundry
anything he asked me to do, i did it
you can say i guess i was practicly his slave
i even got pregnet thinking he\'ll change
but he still didnt care, he was still the same
he kept coming home late,
sometimes not at all
and when he did come home he would be drunk and high
he never had time for me,
only for his friends,
and when he did want to spend time with me
it was just to have sex.
he used to hit me when i was pregnet, telling me he didnt care
he used to kick me out of his apartment, knowing i had no where else to go.
but he still didnt care, not even for his own baby.
Until one day.
i went to the clinic to check the babys heartbeat
i was 9 months already
waiting for the baby to come
when the mid-wife tells me that i had to go to the hospital for an ultrasound
that something was wrong.
and guess what my baby died, my innocent daughter died.
how i just wanted to scream and cry
so i had to tell my man, my babys father, and when i did
u should have seen his face
how terriable it is to lose a loved one, and to see the man you love in pain.
after being induced,
i was in labor to give birth to a \"dead baby\"
how sad i felt to hear other womans baby cry and not mines.
so i gave birth on April 13, 2005 at 5:43 Am to a
Beautiful Baby Girl.
but even after all this,
he still didnt change
he was still the same
sometimes i cant under stand how i ever ended up loving a man like him
i was really young, but im 15 now
and i still love him
but after all he made me go through
guess what happened to him?
well he got caught with drugs
and he\'s been locked up since Nov. 2005
and he\'s waiting to get deported
but he finially realizes that wat he did was wrong, that he really loves me,
and that he regrets every bad thing he did to me
that he\'s sorry for making me hurt
so what do you think,
should i give him another chance?

please comment...thanks..


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  • 18 years ago

    by Raquel

    Well, should i fell bad if i say i love him, and i do want to be with him, but i dont want to be wih him if he is the same as before....but im not sure if i should move on....but yea i had a baby when i was 13, i kno i was mad young, but i learned alot, and im happy i learned alot, but im upset, that my daughter passes away..

  • 18 years ago

    by amandaa

    Sorry...that was rude. I suppose I'm taken aback. Wow, that was tactless.
    I think you're worth so much more then you know or feel. I think people like him make you think that what he's giving you is what you deserve. And it's not. It's so not. You are way too good for that much pain from that much of an ass, really. reallyreallyreally.

    Don't lose the beauty. Your writing and your poem Frame of Beauty shows so, so much of it. You can do it, you can find the strength to say no.

  • 18 years ago

    by amandaa

    You had a baby. at age 13.

  • 18 years ago

    by Raquel

    Please comment...thanks

  • 18 years ago

    by Raquel

    Thank u really helps..

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