
by firexflys   Mar 15, 2006

I hope you never change you mind
Please darling be forever mine

I wish I was with you right now
I m even thinking of was how

Every now and then things get hard
Because it seem you're so far

But then I remember you're all I need
With out you I feel so incomplete

Your forever my angle forever my heart
And it breaks more whenever were apart

I don't know what the further may bring
But I hope one day it maybe be a ring

©Written by fireXfly

a bit old just need somthing new up not good i am losing mt touch


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  • 18 years ago

    by N J Thornton

    A good and touching write, but again needs some editing.
    First line it should be "your"
    Tenth line should read "You're forever my angel..."
    On the twelth line it's not a misspelling as such but I think a confusion of words, where you have "further" it should be "future."
    The fourth line didn't make sense to me at all and I think it needs rewording.
    I liked the ending it gave hope for the future and sang wedding bells.
    Keep writing.

  • 18 years ago

    by Sole

    Nice poem, although there are a few errors which can be improved upon. First - the third line was hard to make sense of - perhaps you could take a look and change that around? The fourth line, seem could be better as seems. The ninth line, Your should be You're and angle is spelt angel (unless its the mathematical term) you could also add in a comma after angel . . . In the tenth line, were should be we're and in the eleventh, further would probably sound better as future.
    I hope all the above helps you to improve the grammar and spelling/punctuation of this poem because it is an excellent write - and the meaning is so lovely - with the ending wish of the ring - the symbol of marriage :)

    Peace. [Sole]

  • 18 years ago

    by dora

    Hey darl a heartfelt piece. hvnt sp0ken t0 u in a while. catch up s0on x0x

  • 18 years ago

    by ღ Dark Princess ღ

    AMAZING!! :D :D