Three simple words

by David   Mar 23, 2006

I give you what you want so that you don�t
Have to ask
Because frankly, you never wanted to know
You wanted that illusion of being selfless and helpful
But I don�t grant people who don�t deserve it
The things they desire most
Because I have the power to say no
To your outrageous demands and petty wants
And your ignorant selfishness
Somewhere in this world, a child will die
Right NOW
Yet you walk on by, and keep your heads low, eyes down, and voices silent
Because you are afraid that someone might like what you have to say
And that someone might not
But you�re killing yourself like I do
Bottling it up like explosives getting their fuses lit and watching obliteration
Creep toward them on its shaking knees
Well my knees shake when you ask me
�Are you alright?�
Because if I answer that, I have to admit the truth
That I am not and never will be
And that I am so sick of hiding that I throw up when I
Don�t speak
But I continue to pile the troubles
Onto the compost heap that towers over my words
Waiting for me just to utter one syllable
So they can come crashing down like a fruit cart on a highway
So there will be a 30 phrase pileup and a fire that stretches ten feet high
Scorching the angels who normally would come and save me
Like they did last time
But now I am stranded, on the median, cold and alone
No matter how far I run, I never get away
Because cars and thoughts go seventy
And I just slip and fall.
And the icy highway that surrounds me, is just as harsh
As the words I will unload on you if you ask that question
And so, will the best intentions
And the biggest lying smile on my face that you will ever see
I entertain you
�I am just fine. Maybe a little tired��
Tired from the sprints I have had to make to dodge traffic
Tired from doing back flips and cartwheels
And from free running away from those three words
Because the words were never the problem
Anyone who speaks truthfully will be respected somewhere
But those impostors who ask, deserve the hatred they get
Be it from teenage angst, adult misunderstanding, the pent up love of estranged couples,
Intensity of those who failed anger management, those who are depressed, those who have been tired of being asked if they�re alright, when all that matters is that someone recognizes that they are not and tries
At least tries
To help
That is why I can say that I
You do not really want me to answer that question
You just want me to be alright
And now
I am.


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