I'm Over It (The Lie)

by x. Sleeping Beauty .x   Mar 24, 2006

All my friends warned me about you.
Told me it would end this way.
But i didn't listen to them.
I thought that you could change.

But now i don't know what to do.
These last 6 months have been a lie.
Clouded by my own stupidity.
And the tears that fall from my eyes.

This is the seventh time your together.
And i cant do this anymore.
No longer am i playing this game.
Where you drag my heart across the floor.

But just because I'm walking out.
Doesn't mean i don't love you.
Its just that i cant wait forever.
And I'm so sick of being your fool.

I'm going to tell everyone I'm over it.
Tell them that your just a friend.
Lets see how long i can keep that up.
See how long i can play pretend.

Because I'm not sure if you notice.
But your the only thing i see.
But she is the only one your eyes catch.
And you only notice a glimpse of me.

So today I'll say I'm over it.
And i will start my lie.
i may look like I'm smiling.
But inside I'm praying to die.


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  • I can relate to this one. your words really speak the truth. keep on writing...

    comment back if you get a chance...

    xoxo leanna xoxo

  • 18 years ago

    by Tammie

    Wow. this is an amazing poem. another i can relate to. 5/5