Letting Go

by Tammie   Mar 31, 2006

I love him so much,
But he's broken my heart,
Twice now he has,
So its time to go back to the start.

In the beginning we were just friends,
So much has happened in between,
From just friends to loving each other,
How I wish all this I could have seen.

I still love him
But he doesn't love me back,
I think I have to move on,
But it's so hard not to look back.

Look back at the good times we had,
The ones I don't want to replace,
The hard times we had,
The ones I want to erase.

All of the happiness,
I don't want to leave,
All of the heartbreak,
I can't believe.

My heads telling me one thing,
My hearts telling me another,
My head that I have to move on,
And my heart to go on loving each other.

But that's the thing,
He doesn't love me.
My head knows it,
Why can't my heart see?

If I keep on loving him,
He's just going to hurt me more and more,
Either he goes on hurting me,
Or I fight this war.

So I'm going to let him go,
Because I'm hurting anyway,
Whether I let him go or love him,
He doesn't love me either way.

Hopefully we can stay friends,
And not keep what we're feeling a lie,
Because that's when we can't be,
Then I'll have to say goodbye.


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  • 17 years ago

    by FlirtingWithDeath

    AWwww =( I know how you feel hun, I had the same thing happen to me not to long ago....that is when I found my true love who has not let me down once so far!! Keep your chin up and live your life because the guy for you is just around the corner 5/5