Angel of Darkness

by Brigitte   Apr 3, 2006

The Day hath taken it’s final bow,
It’s time to throw down the dirty towel,
Subconsciously my mind begins to wander,
As my aching body rests someplace yonder

Dear sweet angel of darkness appears
Wiping away my salty tears
Drifting my body gently through the sky,
Away from the worlds pleading cries.

I rest upon the wings of night
No more will my dying soul have to fight.
In this dream far away,
The present problems, evolve to those of yesterday.

Mind and body have become one,
As my angel whisks away my pains, one by one.
Tears of yesterday crumble to dust
As my body willingly begins to trust.

As I lay in a hammock wove of stars
A disturbing wind picks up from afar.
Thrusting my unwilling body from peaceful lust
Where is my angel, that I most trust?

Your face appears in the blackened sky
As you begin to spit out cold lies.
Dear sweet angel what did I do?
I never meant to betray you!

Your beautiful eyes turn to stone
Hatred is what I'm being shown.
I begin to weep as your face fades
My only friend has left me astray.

“Come back sweet angel” I plead in vain
My Sorrows return, and I cry out in pain.
“Don’t leave me yet, dear sweet angel of mine,
Without you I’ll never be fine”


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  • 17 years ago

    by Solnya

    Once again there is nothing I can say that someone else hasn't allready said. Job very well done.

  • 17 years ago

    by robin milford

    I enjoyed this a lot it is magical that is for sure and full of imagery I can see it happening as i read your words picture passed throw me

  • 18 years ago

    by PygmyPuff

    This is a truly magical peice. There is seriously a metaphoric phrase in every line that adds salt to the wound, bringing out the pain...Its great, I gave it a {5/5}


  • 18 years ago

    by Marlena

    This is like one of my fav poems that you have written keep on writing

    much love
    Marlena Black

  • 18 years ago

    by Lost & Delirious

    I love this kind of poems. I like the story that your poem tells, and the poem is so well written. 5/5