Teared Last Poem

by David   Apr 13, 2006

My Last Poem

You Know It’s So Sad
Sad Feeling All Bad.
Knowing you can’t be together,
Knowing your apart.
Apart from each other.
Like it’s a dead end.
You never know,
I still have hope.
Time will pass
And it might cope.
Waiting might pay off
It might not,
I’m not even sure anymore
If I really want her or not.
I’ve never had this kind of feeling
But I’m sure it won’t last.
That’s Because there too much love coming from the past.
I just hate the fact
That she doesn’t understand.
That’s why she’s not calling,
She wants it to end.
But soon enough she will know
But That will be too late I’m pretty sure.
The only thing that will stop me
Is if I have the same love as before.
I really love her.
I even bought a promise ring,
I wanted to see it on her.
Everything I’ve done,
Everything I’ve said,
Is not worth nothing now
It’s like a blood shed.
I don’t know what to do.
I don’t know how to deal with my feelings.
I wish there was another way of thinking,
Because the love is too much It’s not willing.
My head is so exhausted.
You can’t believe how much I wanted.
Wanted to be with her.
She’s not treating me,
The way I should be.
But every time I imagine her on my mind,
It’s driving me crazy, inside.
So hurtful,
The blood is dripping from my heart.
It’s so hard,
I want it to stop.
But its life, gotta go along.
Gotta live it the way gods given it to us.
In the end it will all pay off.
It will all be worth for,
Because he knows what his doing it for.
Just listen to your heart,
That was our favorite song.
Now I can’t listen to it.
It brings back the memories
Memories I want it to be buried.
And not seen.
Because I’ve been hurt enough.
Soon I’ll go upsean.
It’s the feeling I’m worried most about,
That’s what’s keeping me from living my life just fine.
I don’t know what to talk about
There’s so much to say,
I won’t end on this page.
Too much feelings being expressed,
The readers are probably getting bored
Hearing the same things.
From now on I’ll probably write more,
But the thing is that I won’t show.
Show it to anyone at all.
I need to write,
I need to speak my mind.
Tell it to someone
Getting it out in the light.
I can at least put it on paper.
Hear me speak the truth and read it later.
These poems I’ll be keeping forever
I deserve better.
And I’ll show it to my next girl.
If there will be one.
I don’t even want none.
It will at least be a year or two.
That’s a promise.
A promise that I will keep.
I don’t need drama more than I have already been in.
I want this in my future.
That is my goal.
I’ll live my life the way I’m suppose to
Even if I have to live alone.
But I know there’s someone out there.
Someone like Her or much better.
I just wished, it was her.
But Really I don’t.
I hate this,
It’s a feeling I can’t control.
I’m so sick and tired of this.
This stress,
This pain,
And all these stupid games.
I don’t understand,
What’s my purpose of living?
To hurt my feelings?
Forget this than!
I’ll give up on living.
I’ll make sure it’s an accident.
So I can live above and start healing.
I won’t stay here no longer
And keep on taking the beating!
For what?
What did I do to deserve the fault.
I don’t see how I could be in charge.
It’s ripping me apart.
Just leave me alone,
I need somewhere to go.
Go and think about what I’m living for.
This is the last poem.
Last poem everyone will be reading from.
I won’t show rest of them,
Not anymore.
Don’t think this poem is a lie,
Cuz Soon you’ll be hearing my GoodBye!!! :(


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