DEATH!!!!!(family member help)

by steph   Apr 14, 2006

When you lose someone close
You will feel bad for a while
But then you think of everything that made their life worthwhile

You don’t know all the details
But that’s good in a way
Just think of all the things you did to help them in every way

The memories that you share
Are like a 24c gold ring
They are worth everything in the whole world because you will never see them again

It gets easier as time goes on
You learn that things live and die
A child or man shall die everyday but some people do not seem to care

A person dies every 3seconds
But we don’t notice them
Then why should other people understand how much that person meant to you if you do not for them?

If no one cared
Then what would we all be
Load of self entered humans hungry for money

But people do care
And that is why
You are upset when someone close to you dies

We all grieve
Just in different ways
Some cry but some choose to keep it bottled up inside

Its better to just accept
Accept that they are gone
And nothing you can do is going to bring them back

And that is a fact!!!!


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