Angel of darkness

by Manic Imperfection   Apr 18, 2006

Please take me by the hand
I can show you my land
Grey sky with glowing stars

Unfortunately all too far
Glittering black lakes
And so to your life it takes

I know that your life was very unfair
That is why I am here
Don't fight me

For I am the angel of darkness
Or death in it's most simple form
Go ahead now take a breath of my poison

Come join me now
Don't worry about how, I will get you here
I know it may hurt but it is your time

Angel, you scare me,what if I'm not ready?
Your skin ghost white, hair black as the night
Your lips so and your stare like fire seeping through my veins

Trust me little one
The world does not want you to win this game
Life is much too over rated

Come with me to place uninvaded Nothing is real, your not a big deal
Who will miss you, just a thought?

The strings to your body are coming loose
You will never cry
Emotions aren't what they seem here

Your thoughts are swirling
Life goes on, in different worlds, but I can't tell you this secret
My duties to you are strictly limited

I have many others to call
I am a wanted and hated thing
If I have to go it is okay
I now know the dark
I choose to play part


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  • 18 years ago

    by Manic Imperfection

    Thank you very much... I wrote this for a school last year during a pretty dark time.

  • 18 years ago

    by SEAN

    Well written

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