Hand in hand

by silhouette fairy   May 20, 2006

Some where down this trail is a boy
with eyes that make the sun look dim
he stands around, with nature as his toy
in all my dreams i just wish to be with him

now i walk down this trail
and he comes closer as i do
i reach him and we play with a snail
and quietly play peek a boo!

though he is only five
he has seen many horrible things
he was there when she took a dive
and was there when they only found her rings

she was his mother
unfit, if you ask me,
you see she left him and his brother
on a cliff at the sea

and now my boys
don't care about her
because they have their toys
and I'm their mother

Now as we walk
toward the sand
we softly talk
walking hand in hand

* i thought this poem was inspirational not because it inspired someone but because the woman was inspired to take care of these children because of the horrors they have been through*

hoped you liked it


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  • 17 years ago

    by IfIhide11

    It was a wonderful poem. When I was trying to figure out who would win first place in the contest, this poem and the Last Dance were tied. You did an awsome job. Keep Writing.
