Waiting in Agony

by Sariah   May 21, 2006

I cannot stop the tears in your eyes
you will not let me, you are not mine
the love we have you gave away
along with my heart you did betray
yet as I watch your soul rain down
your cheek so soft, your skin light brown
I cannot help my outstretched arm
that reaches for you to keep you from harm
oh torture so great of watching such pain
wrap around me and with me remain
no such comfort can there be found
I must wait and watch you drown


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  • 18 years ago

    by Karleen

    Eek, I LOVE this poem, Sariah! But so sad.. but so deep.. but so HEART WRENCHING AND CRUUUUEELLLL... T-T Oh no! 8O

  • 18 years ago

    by SomeonesAngel

    Very meaningful poem and well written. 5*