Sea Of Emotion

by Michelle   Feb 18, 2004

The tide flows in, the tide flows out
And so another day,
The waves crash in upon the sand
And then they ebb away.
In the ever-changing sea of life
So much churns in my mind,
Thoughts flow in then disappear
Just like the changing tide.
I build my life around my dreams
Like sandcastles along the shore
How can I wonder, then, why they don't last
I need to learn to base my life upon so much more.
Something more sturdy, then
Than a rocky beach
Where at any moment
My careful plans can we swept from reach.
I will move up further onto solid ground
Where the waves of doom can't sweep my dreams away
And maybe if I can learn to live in reality
I'll learn how to get through another day.


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  • 20 years ago

    by Michelle

    Well Craig...ummm...WOW. I'm so glad you liked's nice to hear from friends on here that our thoughts mean something...your comments have really helped me along the past few days!! Thanks again...!!! Luv Michelle :)

  • 20 years ago

    by craig

    You`ve done it again. Utterly sublime. I`m deleying going out just to write this comment and I`ve got people waiting! Dont care, this is amazing stuff michelle, I could`nt write something like this in TWO million years. I hav`nt got long enough to give this piece the full justice it deserves with this comment but
    I just want to say, amazing. Wrote it down and got it in my pocket. Going to carry it around for a few weeks and show other people. I want to know is it me or is this poem perfection. Masterful use of metophor with the sea, beaches etc. Love the lines `build my life around my dreams, like sandcastles on the shore` `thoughts flow...disappear, like changing tim` I could go on but they are revving the car outside now and I`ve got to go. Thanx for your sweet compliments in your e mail. Will reply soon as I get the time. Big hug