Die Teufel-Marionette (The Devils Puppet)

by Megann Lee   Jun 5, 2006

Silence stricken room, broken by a loud Devilish Cachinnation.
Blood soaked clothes of a Mulligrbs child, who stand silently listening.
Both eyes darting over to the corner of the room, fixing gaze upon the capernoited monster.
As her eyes widen, a loud deafening scream escaping her petrified lips, soon followed by brontide.

She stands the eccedentesuast painted permanently upon her pale lifeless face.
Her Misty eyes glaring heartlessly at the Monster whom stands in the corner.
Her head shaking right to left vigorously at his absurdities, her teeth grinding along each other.
And with one more loud Cachinnation, echoing through the entire room.

She stands, acute pain rising from her feet up, it shooting up her spin as it reaches her head.
Her body quivering with fear, every hair upon her small white body standing on end.
The ad infinitum thoughts racing around in her brain, her breathing stopping now.
As she stands clenching her abdomen, the ad nauseam rises, her body growing weaker.

As her knees slam into the floor, loud bone breaking cracks being heard, her maw opening.
Vomit spews out along the entire floor, her hands gliding up her body meeting her now soaked shirt and maw.
And with trembling hands, she glares at with with such hate, her body now dropping lifeless onto the floor.

The capernoited monster approaching the child\'s body, his left foot swinging quickly at her head.
With a slight chuckle his foot slams into her temple, both arms crossed over his chest.
He smiles stepping over her body, leaving the child he never wanted dead upon the floor.
He smirks wider as she slips out of her room, knowing he\'d never have to be bother by her mother.

The monster chuckles, knowing how afflicted he is, and knowing he\'ll never be caught.
For he thinks he is someone he is not, someone who doesn\'t even live.
Someone who\'s power is so much great then his, and someone who is hated.
As he escapes fleeing into the night, he stops for a moment dropping onto his knee\'s and kissing the ground.

And with a light whisper the afflicted monster whispers a silent prayer.
To the little red man whom lives below, in a place where the monster wishes to be.
And with the prayer said he smiles, rising to his feet once more.
And vanishes into the night never to be seen again.

©Megan - 2006


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  • 17 years ago

    by LockedInEternity

    5/5....that was EXCELLENT!!! At first i thought that the guy was really the Devil and that the girl was his puppet but then you explained it and i was awed!!!...You use a lot of big words..lol..thats not a bad thing...i just thought i'd point that out,,,anyways keep writting these amazing poems~~
    God Bless- Lisa

  • 17 years ago

    by AnnMarie

    Wow really long......whew did i MENTION it was long???

    It was a really good poem it was very descriptive, the flow was nice and the structure was put together well

    Do another two please

  • 17 years ago

    by goddess-glamourpuss

    Although I didn't understand all the words in the first couple of stanzas the images were very clear.
    I loved this it was so dark and evocative.

  • 17 years ago

    by Dana

    Ok.....wow! I'm sorry i don't know really what else to say. This poem both confused and aroused my attention! The diction was just amazing!....WOW!

  • 17 years ago

    by Sar

    A really good unique poem, well done
