Black Widow

by Michael D Nalley   Jun 19, 2006

He thought she was home alone
Until she called him on the phone
He could tell she was filled with fear
As she said there is an intruder here

So he rushed home right away
To see what else she had to say
The window was broken from the inside
The frightened prowler ran to hide

She told him that she wanted a gun
Scared the next time they wouldn't run
A broken window or a scream
May not end this very bad dream

The thought that would not leave his head
Is that a man at the window may lay dead
Natural instincts have survived with regret
Does a black widow ever try to forget?


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  • 17 years ago

    by Nelle

    I'm kind of confused, only b/c im dumb...but from what i udnerstood that was absolutely amazing, i really loved that parts, that i could comprehend! lol

  • 17 years ago

    by Jessica

    Ooh, thank you, that makes so much more sense now! again ill say, truly excellent write! 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    The black widow spider, as you may know, gets its name because by its nature it consumes its mate I assume that since all black widows do this it is an innate behavior that can be compared to other natural instincts such as fear. The last lines were a personification of the spider. A spouse may kill a mate due to a natural reflex action brought on by various passions comparable to instinct and self-preservation. The first part of the poem was inspired by an actual event

  • 17 years ago

    by Jessica

    Wow.. this was very good.. from the first line of the poem i was glued to it and i could not tear my eyes away! the rhymes work well and the descriptions made it exciting! i dont really understand the last two lines though, but that is probably jsut me.. excellent write! 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by BlueDreams

    Simple yet brilliant penned, very interesting!

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