Good Bye

by Purple   Jul 9, 2006

Good bye my friends
My loved one
My real world
We're leaving
Splitting up for now
Forever too

As we loose this year
I want you to know
I love you all

First time I felt
Like I could depend on some one
Not myself
Not my mother
Some one I can talk to
I love you all so much
I don't care if you forget
Loose all the memories of now

I have to say good-bye
Don't know whom I'll see
Who'll fade
To dreamed up memory
Know I'm very grateful
For the laughs and the comfort
You dealing with my craziness

The best friends
Anyone could ever have
I'll always love you
At least the you, you are now
I'm saying good-bye
Don't know who'll disappear
So good-bye
Know I love you


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  • 17 years ago

    by xX-jess-Xx

    I thought it was a touching poem, i have similar poems about leaving my friends, its always hard and ive done it many times.
    anyway..i didnt really understand this line;
    "At least the you, you are now"
    But maybe thats me being stupid again!!
    I liked the way the poem didnt ryhme, it made it seem effortless and not forced, as if it was really coming from the heart.