Judged Before The Trial

by Macabre   Jul 17, 2006

Through clouds of dust,
with stinging eyes,
vagrant expressions, within shadows does lie.

Staring you down, examining your looks,
peering eyes behind ice, cut apart your personality with hooks.
Stereotyped by your appearence, judged before the trial,
pre-determined faithfullness, no honesty here,
Starting to defile,
all flow with one standard course.

Bent by the crowd, they treat you an outcast,
sent as food to the wolves, oppinions do contrast.

Some say no, they others yay,
but none of that matters� \'cause you\'re to damn afraid...
Who cares what they say? Or mutter behind your back?
It matters what YOU feeling, not what others think in lack,
of minds capapble of concentrating on their own feelings.

People would just rather pass it by, and not stop to even think,
what they feel themselves at heart,
because it\'s just \"cooler\" to play high part.

Dedicated to Trevor, a life long friend, and all those who wish to stand out in the crowd. Good for you, and keep doing it.


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