My Suicide

by BleedingxxAngel   Jul 26, 2006

My death is imminent
My death is soon
My death is ready
So I say my goodbyes

I loved you, I did
But I can't go back
My mistakes are big
Never can I recompense

I know that you wanted more
I know you wanted me
But that was the problem, wasn't it?

You were willing to give up your dreams for a screw up
That screw up was me
And yet you told me you loved me
I can never believe that

So as I sit here on the bathroom floor
I write this to you
I am sorry that it had to end this way
I'm sorry that you loved me
The lies that it was

Dear Lover,
I loved you I did
I swear this to you
But life just got to hard
damn it I'm complaining again
See, trust me you don't need me.
So Goodbye.
I love you
and I'll maybe see you once again
Love, me


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  • 17 years ago

    by ♥SeRioUsLy DyinG♥

    I CaN ToTaLLy ReL8 2 u....i LoVe Da PoeM....patti

  • 17 years ago

    by X~Angie~X

    Omg i can so relate to this one. u write so good. i lvoe it. i read a couple of ur poems and i lvoe htem. u have so much talent. wow i kno exactly how u feel. i love how it flows and it makes so much sense. i understand it veyr well. great job again.. keep it up.
    take care and stay strong
    luve angie