A helping hand

by twisted faith   Jul 30, 2006

Every time I look at you I see the truth
I see behind your fake smile
Behind the carefully told lies
I see what is truly there
And I'm scared

I dont know how to deal with this
I dont know how to cope with the truth
I dont know how to go about this
I dont know how to cure your pain

Im fearful of their reactions
Im fearful of how youll handle this all
Im fearful of getting involved
Im fearful of getting you hurt

How can I tell you the truth
How can I keep you safe
How can I cure the pain
How can I save your life?

What can I do to remove it all
What can I do to make you better
What can I do to cure your hurting
When I cant even cure my own?

I see myself in you
I see all of what I was
I know how you felt
Because I felt that way to

I know how it hurts to cure the pain
How it feels to believe youre worthless
How the only time you feel better
Is when youre using the knife

Just remember Im here for you
I wont, no cant judge
Im always here, to be a friend
I'm always your helping hand

Shit I know but I needed to let it out


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