My Adventure with Bob/Johnny the Turtle

by Purple   Aug 11, 2006

The world's un-even
I could swear this room's on a hill
And as I climb up it
My senses come close to 'nill
The colors are blending
Blue and pink make Purple
And I don't know what to do
As I almost step on a little turtle

I pick it up and name it bob
And continue on my journey
It's not too long before bob hears of this
And we're joined by Joe the Attorney
Two turtles with the same name
And neither will admit he's Rob
Court only just starts out
When we learn Bob 2 is in the mob
It was a curious little incident
The kiss of death from a Rubber Ducky
The little quacks it made to explain
And it turns out his kiss is lucky

Our dear bob changed his name
To Johnny Gillywigs Hobstoper the third
Later he'd become a famous actor
In the end his title was really earned

We continued up the hill
With Johnny talking non-stop
And I almost tripped on a branch
When I realized we were at the top
Looking over the rest of the room
It really was kind of funny
Standing on top of a bunk bed
And looking over an army made out of bunnies
Polly the pink dove in there lead
She flew up to ask for our surrender
Johnny got carried away at this point
I still don't understand why he screamed "NEVER"

And so we split out of that room
With rabbits on Johnny's tail
I have no tail of my own
I just figured I might as well share
But now were cornered in the kitchen
And I wish Johnny would shut up
Then I'm handed a cake and to my surprise
I find out it's Johnny's birthday from a near by cup.

And so we should all cheer
For the Johnny the Turtle
He really deserves all you can give
By the way his favorite pop-sickle is murple

(Please give him some for his birthday)


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  • 17 years ago

    by LipstickLullabies

    Hahahaha! I love funny poems! MWAH! well done babe but forgive i am dumb what is an attorney is it like a lawyer??? loadsa love Cassie x

  • 17 years ago

    by Sorefromreality

    Im very confused slow so maybe its just me...its funny and i think some people would enjoy it but i think some of it was so random that it was kind of forced as jes said above. u kno how much i love rubber ducks begininng was good but after about the 2nd stanza i was completely lost. i liked the structure and the flow was ok (coulve been better, some were just weird ways to rhyme).....overall for a smart person this wouldve been kool to read...but im dumb...keep writing...
    love ya lots,

  • 17 years ago

    by xX-jess-Xx

    ì thought it was a really interesting poem.. but to be completely honest im not sure why its in the fun and humor as I myself find it fun nor witty, but mabey thats just me havin a wierd sense of humor!

    about the poem, i though this ryhme was rather forced;
    "And neither will admit he's Rob
    Court only just starts out
    When we learn Bob 2 is in the mob"
    and wasn't really too sure of what that meant!

    but to be fair, it picked up towards the middle, and i thought i was easier to read. overall really, i did like the poem, its different and you dont find many "different" poems at the moment.
    So it is great, well done, keep writing!
    jes xxxx