The Chase

by Phoenixgoddess   Aug 18, 2006

My heart races and races,
but the pain continues to follow it.
it never goes away,
Can never pause it.

It won't subside,
And it won't give up.
It keeps on trying to make me cry,
Which doesn't take much.

I can't fight it off,
You can't fight pain.
It can't be forced away,
it will always remain.

Should I give up?
On the chase that has lasted a life time?
Or should I continue on,
Let the pain shoot through my spine.

It goes and comes,
But its my number one fan,
The pain stays with me,
Longer than humans.

I give it credit for sticking around,
But it hurts me so much.
It makes me paranoid,
Sensative to touch.

Give up or continue?
Id that all the options I have?
I'm so tired...
I give up on my behalf.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Adriana77

    Good write, I enjoyed it! Keep it up!