This train ride...

by Shaina Ahenger   Aug 31, 2006

This train I've ridin been on for so long,
Is finally running out of steam.
It has quite the memories,
And the marks to tell their stories.
It's had the impossible run,
With fast straight aways, tight corners,
And even stops along the way.
But the heat is running on low now,
And time is getting shorter by the day.
There is only one last track to follow,
Whether it ends short or goes all the way.
I'll still be riding front seat, and raring to go.
Even the engine is almost shot.
But I'm not bailing now, no turning back,
It's all I've got.
I'm here, still waiting for the end of the tracks,
To meet my slow moving train.
It's got one last kick in it,
I have enough hope,
So I'm riding all the way.
And when this amazing ride,
Comes to a crashing end.
I'll climb out beneath the rubble,
With no regrets, no mistakes,
Because me and everyone else,
Will always know,
That until the end,
All the pain and suffering,
All the tears and heart breaks,
That I went through,
The hardest times in my life............

And I never once gave up.


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