Marilyn Monroe.

by reborn   Oct 3, 2006

I didn't know you
But it looks like you
Were a real beauty
But really unlucky
It's hard to believe
That they wouldn't let you live
Cause you were the nicest of all pearls
With lots of beautiful curls
So what you were loveless
But at least you had success
Your life wasn't easy
You were depressing and used by so many
All you wanted
Was to be loved and protected
Nobody even cared to see
Your beautiful personality
I guess people only saw you as an object
That's why you didn't get any respect
You gave the men you loved your passion
That's why you turned them on
The luckiest one was JFK
Cause he could say
That you were his
Is was in the 60's
When love made you blind
And clouded up your mind
Yeah he wasn't considerate
That decided your fate.

I was born too late
For you to be my date
And maybe just yet
You wouldn't have opened me your gate.

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  • 17 years ago

    by Chris Rodriguez

    A very original poem. Also a bit comical adding the reference to JFK in there, haha. Well, I'm one of those people who will comment after reading a poem. Keep on writing.