What Happened?

by TRAGiC BEAUTY   Nov 2, 2006

What ever happened to best friends forever
Always just a phone call away
The I love yous went on forever
But I couldn't have you anyway

You loved her more than me
I always thought you loved me
I guess I couldn't understand
What you wanted me to be

You wanted me to be thinner
You wanted me to be hot
You wanted me to be something
That I am just not

I am me and I'll be me forever
I just want to know what went on
What happened to the friendship we had
What used to make me strong.....


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  • 17 years ago

    by Lost and Confused

    I like this a lot! I can relate to it a way ton!! Very good hun!

  • 17 years ago

    by TheRevelation

    Awww hun y so sad sniff gonna make me cry nice poem sweetie keep it up