The feelings I couldn't feel

by Brandon Johnson   Nov 7, 2006

There is a dark place
Somewhere inside my head
It holds all the feelings
That I never had

When my dad died
I couldn’t even cry
I had to be strong
Cause only the strong survive

I was 16 at the time
A sophomore in school
I felt so alone
Standing in the cold

Four more friends died
Before I graduated
It took a toll
That I couldn’t let anyone see

Two more friends died
Before I joined the Corps
Then two more
Before we went to war

Over there, over seas
Friends dying left and right
I had no place for my feelings
I had to keep them out of sight

I had to focus
On the job at hand
I couldn’t shed a tear
I had to be a man

I made it back
Then another one died
It hit me harder than the others
Cause he went to war and survived

The cold that was there
When I planted my dad
Takes up that dark place
Inside my head

If I could feel before
Those feelings are lost
I feel nothing but cold
And see nothing but dark


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  • 16 years ago

    by Meme

    OMG!! this poem is really amazin
    u really went through alot n believe me someday ur gona feel it all at once n being a man does not mean that u shudnt cry cuz sometimes cryin can help heal the wounds 5/5

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