Drunk driving poem i had to write for contest

by Zoe   Nov 15, 2006

Calmly slide behind the wheel
fumble with the key
and finally find the ignition
I inhale and think to myself
come one heather you can do this
its only 7 miles, just focus
you didn't have that much to drink
i put the car into drive
slowly pulling out of the driveway
the road begins to sway
slowly at first, then the pace quickens
i can no longer tell where the yellow line is
the lights of cars draw nearer and nearer
missing me by smaller and smaller margins
horns loudly blasting
then one car's lights are dead center in front of me
tires screech, and my car smashes against the other car
sliding across the road, hitting the concrete barrier
on the other side of the road
and like a leaf trapt in a whirlwind
my body is thrown around the car
i hear glass shatter and someone crying
i feel like thousands of needles are stuck within me
my chest tightens, i cant breathe
darkness begins to swirl around me
i hear an ambulance off in the distance
and i see a bright light draw nearer
and then nothing at all


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