
by Zoe   Jun 13, 2007

I've spend many a year trying to please you
Changing every last thing about me
all for the sake of your love

Giving up every last shred of identity
i so desperately clung to
all so i could conform into the perfect daughter

The blond hair, form fitting clothes and micro minis
the pill popping purging and starvation diets to lose weight
just so i could be that daughter you always wanted

I did it all with a fake smile plastered on my face
while I screamed from the inside out
telling myself to walk away with what little dignity i might still have

Instead i tried to convince myself that
when i achieve perfection in your eyes
i will finally be worthy of my own mothers love

But the games end now
I refuse to remain silent another moment and watch you criticize my every flaw,
in a feeble attempt to turn me into another mindless, superficial, Barbie doll teenager

I refuse to jump through one more hoop
and kill myself trying to become something I'll despise
because if thats what it takes for you to love me, I'm better off without it


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