Does god know?

by Escoffier   Dec 10, 2006

How would god know?

Hang him high and nail that cross
My son must be butchered
For all you sins
O how grim
Send the rest to hell
And love my grand hotel
How do you love him?
Gentle son I will not let you be pinned
A father has his sins
A women love how would he know
Watch her grow
So gentle for the soul
She love her kids so much
Never would let them pin her love ones
Hell would not win
She would rise to the blue skies
And hammer them
The blood would flow
As a river
Nail my son, for them
The murdering ones
Blood, hate, war is all that they create
No not my son, he is not there for there fun
As she grabs gods suns
Her looks in his eyes and said never touch my son
If god had loved someone
He would have know
Never touch what a woman loves
If he love a women
He would have know the love of the gift of a son
He send sinner to there place never giving then a chance for a rebate
If my love one was not in the sun
I would crash the doors of hell
For that is love o great one
You take love - take, take
You think that's great
Never let be at your gate


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