What Kills Me

by TRAGiC BEAUTY   Dec 11, 2006

What kills me is how you
Can forget all that we had
How you can say these things
And not care that I'm mad

What kills me is your life
When you're skinny and your great
And how you have a lot of friends
But me, you choose to hate

What kills me is how you
Can hate me after all we've been through
I never hated your personality
And I never hated you

But now you're getting on my nerves
Telling me who you think I can be
I don't get how you can say I'm perfect
That is what is killing me


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  • 17 years ago

    by Tite

    Hey it killz me 2, that there r so many hataz in dis world. I hope whoever u talkin bout getz da fact thu they head dat perfection doesn't matta. Keep up da nice work.

    Stay Playa,

  • 17 years ago

    by Gem

    "I never hated your personality
    And I never hated you"

    Powerful confessions in this piece
    I like the way you write, it's kind of similar to the way i do which is why i love reading your work, hehe. *Clicks faves*