I am

by Kayla Katastrophe   Dec 11, 2006

I am a poet writing of my pain
I am a person living a life of shame
I am your daughter hiding my depression
I am your sister making a good impression

I am a friend acting like I'm fine
I am a wisher wishing this life wasn't mine
I am a girl who thinks of suicide
I am a teenager pushing her tears aside

I am a student who doesn't have a clue
I am a girl sitting next to you
I am the one asking you to care
I am your best friend hoping you'll be there


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  • 17 years ago

    by missy

    Wow definate 5/5. I enjoy this poem greatly. You reveal your emmotion so directly and evrything just fits in and aawww it's amazing..(just edit one thing...whisper, typo) I loved it. don't stop.

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