
by Cathy   Jan 2, 2007

Fear, sadness and feeling of despair
all mixed in one for this girl to share

She lays on her bed on a cold stormy night
sounds of thunder loud and fire from the lightning strike

Her pillow is full of so many wet tears
her mind is full haunting her with all her worst fears

She hears the screeching as the tree branches touch her window outside
The demons are lurking now she cannot hide

They lurk through these halls
Hiding in the bloodshed memories trapped in these walls

She hears the horrid sound of the bullet tearing through her skull
And the loud thump when her body falls

Its all memories of that one single night
where she put the gun to her head and took her own life

Now she waits trapped in these walls
she waits and waits as the devil calls

She knew that by taking her very own life
was a sin against her that cold winter night

Now she waits for judgment upon her soul
She prays to our lord that the devil will let her go

Through her punishment shes haunted day and night by the loud horrid screams
of the day her loved ones found her body deceased

The screams and the images are stuck in her head
Of the blood soaked sheets that lay in her bed

The image of her face that no longer looked the same
And the crying and screaming of her families pain


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  • 17 years ago

    by Kelly

    Uh a truely amazing poem/story. Its so dark that its absolutely brilliant!!!
    i thought it was great, excellent imagery, i could see everything in my mind. I think its quite different from anything else you have written! This poem i love it, love it, love it:)


  • 17 years ago

    by Megan

    Wow that really was a dark poem but it was good at the same time loved it

  • 17 years ago

    by Krzysztof J

    This is trully an amazing poem i loved it soo full of emotions :) this on is really really good :))

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