Light through the Door

by emma   Feb 7, 2007

The gap under the door,
you can follow the light,
holding on until descends the night,
Lying down cold, alone on the floor,
Not wanting or baring to take anymore.

But once again you wake
from your desolate room,
following the light again,
brightening the doom.
Every cloud has a silver lining some say,
but this cloud is so big it won't drift away.

Then you hear the footsteps approaching,
the familiar feeling of doom pushes on,
on your heart and soul till you can bare no more,
you fall once again, down onto the floor.

This chamber you live in with no change or hope.
So surreal that only some can cope.
How funny to feel alone; it seems,
as the people keep coming, along in their reems,
But you are just one lost soul and like a noxious gas,
it compresses your feelings until you can't last,
you no longer see the light through the door,
just pain and saddness descends on you oncemore.


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  • 17 years ago

    by fvalconbridge

    Heya, this is the one you were telling me about? It amazing. by the way, so I can read all your poems you need to feature them. if when you are logged in you go to your poems and when they list, press the link that says feature, it is in brakets. Then everyone can read all your work k?

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