Sorry i never realised

by JaMeS   Apr 9, 2007

I never realized how special you were
to be honest its only recently its hit me
in one of those moments where your mind just wonders from place to place
and tonight it wondered right onto you

my mind so powerfully this night
almost to slap me back to the past
back to sense
to allow me to realize what a fool id been
a fool to you and in general those years ago

i hurt you so badly ill never know why you stuck around
i cheated countless times
i split you from your best mate
took you on bad nights out never filling you with happiness or love
only hurt because i just used you
a moment to realize the foolish things i said and the important anniversary's i forgot

an idiot
thats how i was acting worthless knowing really
although I'm different now
a part of me needs to tell you something
i know your with someone now
i understand that your happy
stealing you back isn't the reason for this

i think you need to hear this
i think you always wished these words would leave my mouth
i think your ears have always wanted to hear it, hear that it weren't your fault
that you didn't cause it

i want you to know this know that without hidden meaning or agenda and knowing that your happy right now
I'm sorry

I'm sorry i hurt you I'm sorry for what i did
for what i said
the important times i forgot and the times i didn't appreciate
but most of all I'm sorry for how i destroyed such a loving girl and that its only now that i realize what we could have been


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  • 17 years ago

    by silence kills

    Ahh.. people always wish they would have realized sooner "what we could have been" especially when they were there the whole time but then you notice too late.. nicely written 5/5