Live the moment

by reborn   Jun 1, 2007

She thinks we should stay friends
By doing that you're putting an end
To what could have been
My dream thrown to the bin
Why the hell did I tell her
About my upcoming departure
Haven't I learned anything
Cuz the exact same thing
Got me in trouble before
When I told an ex about my future
Why can't you live in the present
Haven't you heard of just enjoying the moment
Deal with the consequences later
When they show up one day or another
I do not want to live a life of regrets
I'd rather gamble and bet
That it will all be worth it
Instead of forever regretting that it
Never got the chance to become something
Why does this keep on happening
What are you all so afraid of
Aren't experiences what we're made of
Their ending we don't get to decide
So there's no need to shelter ourselves and hide
Live the moment
Make what you want of the present
I wanna live my life passionately
Can you please tell me
What kind of life is without passion and feelings
Love, hate, joy and sadness define the human being
Just give me a chance
To be a part of your existence
I was starting to like you
As I got to know you
You're a special person
And now I can't believe you're already gone
What's the point of you entering my life tell me
Was is to give me hope pointlessly
You came and went
In what seemed like an instant
What if you and I could have been great
Why did you have to change our fate
I guess we'll never know what we could have been
Cuz you weren't prepared to take one for the team
Tough breakups one day
Are a part of what I am today
Good and bad experiences are part of the equation
Why did you have to go for the easy solution
Stop thinking too much about what lies ahead
If only instead
You could be by my side
While we enjoy the ride
Is all of this making any sense
All I'm asking for is a chance
To make it worth your while
I have no intent of making you cry
I wish you'd reconsider
Cuz I know we could be happy together.

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  • 12 years ago

    by Yrem Crish

    Niece piece=)keep more writing poems
    good luck!5/5

  • 14 years ago

    by SheenaMarie

    Excellent write 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Estefania

    Wow very nicely writen 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by beautiful xx disaster

    This is so cute
    wow. youre really good.

  • 16 years ago

    by Jewls

    Awww I Loved It!,, :]