Her Quest

by Fighter (Ariane L.)   Jun 6, 2007

It all began with the morbid poetry.
She sat behind her desk, saddened.
Darkening hundreds of pages,
She wrote of the pain that lived within.

Years went by, as this slowly faded.
She thought she found reason, she believed once again.
Yet, notice how she still writes
Of this pain, of this void.

Although she appears never to have altered
from the outside, she has changed.
The smile has become genuine,
Her laugh purely natural.

Yet, this void stil lingers.
She has found ways to satisfy it,
Yet on some days, it just isn't enough.
She needs more.

She has managed to trick her inner self,
By continuously contradicting herself.
Today, she realizes that the void
Will never fully fade.
Its essence will always be there.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Ashleigh Skye

    Wow amazing. I love it and I bet that almost this entire site can relate. its like you wrote it for the kids that dont feel anyone understands them. Amazing. the words had such a wonderful flow and such a sweet sound that it came together magically. not one word of complaint from me.

  • 17 years ago

    by Empty Space

    So heartfelt and true..I love your work!:D