Today has meaningless words

by Spirit   Jul 1, 2007

I babble when i don't know what to say to you
i always say odd things when i know that we're through

words to me no longer have a meaningful truth
sadness, being happy, or celebrating youth

why has this happened, and why to only me,
my thoughts are messed up from, what they used to be

no love have i regretted no happiness have i lost
no toy, nor a feeling who's price was to high a cost

I've lost nor gained a thing that would make me feel this way
it's just that words are meaningless for me on this day

one may ask why, and one may ask how
i know not why, but words are lost to me now

take no pity leave home your sorrow
because the world will be back to me tomorrow

i wrote this poem because i knew that we all have blank out days but when your feeling down just know that if you take a step back and enjoy your all of your free time. tomorrow will be much better and you'll understand what you were trying to explain the other day.
good luck with your poetry and have fun reading some of your old ones. they might help.
~Sam Mayo~


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