Meet me by the stars...

by Helene   Nov 18, 2007

,,Can you fly to the stars?"
the little boy asked.
,,If you want it", she said,
,,You can get there real fast.
Close your eyes and imagine,
your body take flight,
and you can fly to the end
of the world for a night..."

They stared at the sky,
that evening together,
and she said that he should
remember forever,
that no matter what,
and no matter where,
he could fly to the stars,
and meet with her there.

He remembered his sisters
advice as he grew,
and knew he was loved
after all he went through.
They got out of touch,
and she thought he forgot,
just prayed he'd be happy,
no matter what.

Many years later,
that sister lay dying,
and he was adult now,
but couldn't help crying.
cause she taught him how
he could always break free,
by the stars he could be
what he wanted to be.

,,Remember dear sis,
don't be afraid,
you can fly to the stars,
and it's never to late.
cause you used to tell me,
there's a heaven somewhere,
and no matter what,
no matter where,
I promise dear sis that
I'll meet with you there..."

the end..


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