Poems by Hilary

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  • Take my pain, take my tears
    Help me to move on...

  • It's not your fault
    That years ago...

  • The pain just keeps on aching,
    The tears continue to fall...

  • I used to look for inspiration
    In the silliest of things...

  • Oh, Santa, please come quick,
    And hold this letter dear...

  • Do not speak my love
    do not say a word...

  • She awakes from her dreams
    In tears and in pain...

  • Come here - I am afraid to speak these words
    Of desires and emotions - wishes and dreams...

  • Im looking down upon the soft
    Earth beneath my feet...

  • As the tears begin to form in my eyes
    I try with all my strength to not let them...

  • Could you ever feel the same again?
    Could your heart - ever skip a beat...

  • Im fading into another world
    As I allow myself to be caught up...